
yo. ellaine!mae is here. yup, it's her blog. she likes GREEN, screwdrivers and her friends. (L)


farfar away.

these are times when i feel like,
i should've taken up on tht Aussie migrate plan.

but, you know, i'll miss Eos, Danielle, Adiel, Maan, Danna, Ate Mae..
okay, fine, i'll miss Daboy, Ralph, Arbie, Diether, Noyx2, Tianx2.
th little buggers rub off on me.
and i know tht,
no matter where i go, it's still high school.
drama and all.
so might as well be somewhere where someone can comfort me.
though, no comforting has been issued.. yet.

i refuse to tell it to Maan.
she was annoying me with constant rants abt _ & _.

i've alrdy sms-ed my deardear Eos for comfort.
i've alrdy told her part of th reasons.
she hasn't replied yet, though.
you better !
i WILL hunt you down, get it ?
i've alrdy got a reason to visit your new lovely home.
i'm giving your dear brother(bleugh.), Daboy, his one-month-late birthday presnt.
i feel guilty for not giving him a present before we left.
so, yeah, i'm giving him my precious hama beads guitar.
he better appreciate tht, damnit.
there's a note attched for him.

on th other note:
i was feeling depressed just before science.
don't ask why, though.
thanks for th comfort, Michelle & Lizhen. (:
so i wrote this up.

My rules to being a mediator/middle-person:
1.) Being neutral does not give you permission to expose what you heard from one party to th other and vice versa.
2.) Being neutralmeans you have to know, understand and respect each patry's point of view.
3.) Being neutral clearly means you must not take sides. Do not be biased, per say.
4.) Being neutral does not grant you permission to judge each party, from what you're told.
5.) Know th situation, inside and out.
6.) As much as possible, try to keep th situation/problem between you and both parties.
7.) If you think revealing one party's distress to th other might solve th problem, weigh th pros and cons first. Revealing anything is risky.
8.) Consider what's best for th situation/problem.
9.) Remember to take note of each party's attirude, character and personality. Everything lies in them.
10.) All in all, you're not a miracle worker. If both parties do not intend to make up, never force them. Let them be.

okay, tht was mainly what i thought up.
and what i tried to follow.
i stand by my beliefs.
i WILL be a psychologist.
even if A Maths will cause brain damage.