
yo. ellaine!mae is here. yup, it's her blog. she likes GREEN, screwdrivers and her friends. (L)



2more days till Literature exam and my AnimalFarm book is still MIA.
how am i going to study for it, now ?
can't borrow since everybody else would be studying for it, right ?
this utterly sucks.
i know i got a few hours of sleep.
but why is it tht i woke up feeling like i've just closed my eyes for a minute.
ugh. it gave me a huge headache.
and i still had one when i arrived in school.
thankgoodness for MT period.
i got to rest, at least for a bit. (:
Faith is funny, hilarious and has a mental age of a cute little child.
oh, and she wants me to post something abt her. :D
i posted it, see ? (x