
yo. ellaine!mae is here. yup, it's her blog. she likes GREEN, screwdrivers and her friends. (L)



i should be studying, no ?

such a good long weekend wasted on studying.
it's not fair.
though, i practically need this.
i wonder if i'll survive next year.
i mean, unlike most ppl, i actually HAVE to take triple science & a math.
'cause if i don't,
according to my parents,
i won't be able to attend university in Php.
yes, after sec4, i can go straight to university.
ain't tht bloody cool ?
then i'm gonna be living with my cousins.
by right, no parents around, whatsoever.
more bloody cool.
and then, there's tht laptop.
oh sweetsweet laptop. how i want you as mine.
science and math.
how i want to burn both of you do th ground.

so little ppl are online.
i guess tht means most of them are studying.
guess tht means i should too. :D