yo. ellaine!mae is here. yup, it's her blog.
she likes GREEN, screwdrivers and her friends. (L)
wah. footdrills all th way can die one. x_x
today, got 6 sec2 tht came. must clap leh. SIX ppl came. :D so anyway, Nadia and Afiq didn't come. sad. ): but we were divided into 2 seperate groups. me, ChongBoon & Eugene. then ZengJun, Rickson & Shafiq had to do campcraft theory. but really quite fun leh. LOL. somemore, i shout timing. xD i screw up a few times but can luh. :D and we learned a new drill today. (: marching is totally better than stationery drills. (: left, left, left, right, left, check, up, 2, 3, 4, 5, down, check, left, left, left, right. LOL. i got more badges, btw. :D:D:D i have five now, in total. (: but my footdrill badge still isn't here though. ): oh well. at least i have my NCDCC unit shirt now. :D it's duper nice, okay. (:
there's no more cca until th end of common tests. idk if i should be happy or sad. LOL. xD
twisted sunburn.
Neo Jun Hao twisted my sunburnt arm ! Dx i shall skin him alive tomorrow. even if he alrdy apologised. like, after putting down th phone on him 3times. squishy, you suck.. still on with th plans ? :D
i was duper pissed at NJH today. stupid squishy. and this brightened up my day. :D enjoyenjoyenjoy. :D --- - Being weird is like being normal, only better. - Boys are like lava lamps, fun to watch but not too bright. - Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried slamming a revolving door. (thisis my iPod wallpaper. :D) - Life isn't passing me by, it’s trying to run me over. - When you get caught looking at him just remember he was looking back. - It takes 42 muscles to frown, 28 to smile and only 4 to reach out and slap someone. - They say "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Well I think the guns help. If you stood there and yelled BANG, I don't think you'd kill too many people. - I believe you should live each day as if it is your last, which is why I don't have any clean laundry because, come on, who wants to wash clothes on the last day of their life? - Be insane... because well behaved girls never made history. - Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up. - One day your prince will come. Mine? Oh he took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions. - It’s always the last place you look. Of course it is why would I keep looking after I’ve found it? - Growing old is mandatory...growing up is optional... - We fall for stupid boys, we make lots of dumb mistakes, we like to act stupid, talk really fast, and laugh really loud. But we teenage girls are good at 2 things: Staying Strong, and Being Ourselves. - Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes - Life was so simple when boys had cooties! --- A black man walks into a cafe one early morning and noticed that he was the only black man there. As he sat down, he noticed a white man behind him. The white man said, "Coloured people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "When I was born I was black," "When I grew up I was black," "When I'm sick I'm black," "When I go in the sun I'm black," "When I'm cold I'm black," "When I die I'll be black." "But you sir..." "When you're born you're pink," "When you grow up you're white," "When you're sick, you're green," "When you go in the sun you turn red," "When you're cold you turn blue," "And when you die you turn purple." "And yet you have the nerve to call me coloured" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...Copy this onto your profile and help stop racism! ---
Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys dont want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree --- this made me smile. hahah. and by th time i finished retyping this, i've forgiven NJH. and th plan is ongoing. LOL. dun-dun-duuun.
my poor red nose. ):
tiring man. we only had 1day ATC, yet i'm so tired. whoosh~ basically, our day was cut into half. morning to afternoon is water activities. then afternoon to night is high elements. for water activities, we built a raft man. :D seriosuly, we built a raft. with 5 plastic poles and 4 barrels. damn cool one, i tell you. then everyone had to sit on it while in th water. i had th best seat man. i was in front, between two barrels with my legs on each side of th middle pole. like horseback riding. except i was in water ! :D:D:D after tht, we had to kayak. you know, th usual. but this one, we took with a partner. not like, one-star & expedition. solo is cool, okay ? iand i miss capsizing th kayak on my own. :D for th high elements, my group did abseiling first. tht was th first time i ever did abseiling. for previous camps, i only did zipline/flying fox, rock climbing and th rope thingies. quite cool, th abseiling. wee~ after tht was rock climbing. i reached th top, can. hahah. so shiok. then after tht, we went to th rope thingies. first off was, you go up th pole, stand on top of it and jump off while trying to grab th trapeze. you know, th circus ppl ? yeah, like tht. i had th mindset of being too short to reach it so i didn't really even try to. hahah. xD but it was damn cool jumping off. th next rope thingies was th multi rope. since i did it before, during p5 camp, i was fast. hahah. nyahahah. next up was zipline/flying fox. but then, no time for me to go alrdy. 'cause i was helping with th runway. unfair, no ? then since i was campfire leader, we had to plan for th campfire. we got out of pumping because of tht. (x planned alrdy, campfire starts. i think th campfire a bit boring leh. th campers weren't hyper enough. ZzZ. not th campfire leaders' fault, okay ? i was hyper tht time, you know. :D
i want th WS NCDCC shirt. D: i'm so going to take it on monday. i don't care, i'm gonna search for Ms.Chan. th shirt is damn cool, can. too bad, don't have th sec2 names. only sec3 and their positions. sad. ):
it's been so long since th last time i really exploded at my brother. he needs to go and die. i'm still panting from being too angry. fck him luh. i sleeping so peacefully then want to come and whine to me like a bitch. i just straight out screamed at him, "PUTANGINA MO!" and just kicked him in th face. yeah, his specs flew off. being on th top of a doubledecker bed has advantages. i don't even care anymore. so i just gave th phone 3 loud bangs on the bed. it has 3 pretty cracks across th screen now. i need to scream my voice out, damnit. i've already punched my metal bed 2 times. and th computer table, idk how many times. fck care pain. and for what ? just to sms some bloody girl, "you got do homework already ?" "which ones must we do ?" FCKING SICK, CAN ? IF HE WANTS TO GO AND ASK TH GIRL FOR STEAD THEN JUST ASK, DAMNIT ! ARGH !
from this day on, my brother shall be referred to as a whipped little bitch. he deserves it. what ? he thinks just because i listened to KuyaPoly abt being more patient and stuff, he's gonna use tht to his own advantage ? i'm so back to th beginning with him. he piss me off, i bite his arm. i pull off his hair. i pour water on him. i pull off his ears. i kick his stomach/face/dick. im gonna pinch him until blood comes out. he needs to be reminded who won every single fight we had since young. i'm gonna go back to being primal.
don't even try to reprimand me for talking abt tht bitch like this. i. will. scream. at. you. i haven't been this angry in a long time. i have been patient long enough. i gave him a bloody $20 bag, what more does he bloody want ?!
i'm not gonna use a phone now. just to let everyone know. please help me spread th message until i get a new phone.
westlife. :3
westlife songs bring so much childhood memories. :3 i remember when i memorized th whole 'My Love' song. and when me & my cousins sang along to 'Uptown Girl'. ^3^
today was fun. teehee. :3 made so much noise in canteen after school. xD i could see some of th seniors looking at us. ^3^ then me & Faith was supposed to go home but, i dragged her along to th playground. to see if th guys are really playing there. and they were. LOL. at th exercise thingies, anyway. something happened and everyone started laughing. xD ROFLMAO. almost pee'd leh. xD
ohhell. i need to study all these ? amfootah. xl
i found another use for those xtra allowancces. xD
seriously. i went into full-on shopping mode. Dx spent more than $55. O: uh-oh. my wallet lost another $50 note ! Dx oh well. no pain, no gain. x3
th guitar broke. Dx !@#$%^&*()
well. isn't this fun ?
life in school ? ugh. roller coaster ride. =.= on th bright side, i have no idea why i have a lot of extra allowance. xP which meant i could drown in Double Choco Frappe all week. Double Choco makes me happy. school makes me sad. do th math, ppl. well, i could have saved it but.. a depressed girl needs her frappe. :D
finally, it's friday. thank you, Lord. gonna go for basketball tomorrow. this is confirmed. hell. i need this after tht hell of a week.
wah. i wonder if my bill is gonna explode. i DO remember tht i have free incoming. but why do they always explode whenever i'm on th phone for.. oops. more than an hour ? xD oh well. i'll blame _. :D
farfar away.
these are times when i feel like, i should've taken up on tht Aussie migrate plan.
but, you know, i'll miss Eos, Danielle, Adiel, Maan, Danna, Ate Mae.. okay, fine, i'll miss Daboy, Ralph, Arbie, Diether, Noyx2, Tianx2. th little buggers rub off on me. and i know tht, no matter where i go, it's still high school. drama and all. so might as well be somewhere where someone can comfort me. though, no comforting has been issued.. yet.
i refuse to tell it to Maan. she was annoying me with constant rants abt _ & _.
i've alrdy sms-ed my deardear Eos for comfort. i've alrdy told her part of th reasons. she hasn't replied yet, though. you better ! i WILL hunt you down, get it ? i've alrdy got a reason to visit your new lovely home. i'm giving your dear brother(bleugh.), Daboy, his one-month-late birthday presnt. i feel guilty for not giving him a present before we left. so, yeah, i'm giving him my precious hama beads guitar. he better appreciate tht, damnit. there's a note attched for him.
on th other note: i was feeling depressed just before science. don't ask why, though. thanks for th comfort, Michelle & Lizhen. (: so i wrote this up.
My rules to being a mediator/middle-person: 1.) Being neutral does not give you permission to expose what you heard from one party to th other and vice versa. 2.) Being neutralmeans you have to know, understand and respect each patry's point of view. 3.) Being neutral clearly means you must not take sides. Do not be biased, per say. 4.) Being neutral does not grant you permission to judge each party, from what you're told. 5.) Know th situation, inside and out. 6.) As much as possible, try to keep th situation/problem between you and both parties. 7.) If you think revealing one party's distress to th other might solve th problem, weigh th pros and cons first. Revealing anything is risky. 8.) Consider what's best for th situation/problem. 9.) Remember to take note of each party's attirude, character and personality. Everything lies in them. 10.) All in all, you're not a miracle worker. If both parties do not intend to make up, never force them. Let them be.
okay, tht was mainly what i thought up. and what i tried to follow. i stand by my beliefs. i WILL be a psychologist. even if A Maths will cause brain damage.
laughoutlouddd. xD
B.jpg) so cute. i'm in love with this guy.
i'm bored. this is cute. end of story. :D
high school.
i just remembered.. high school sucks.
i know for a fact tht, high school is where everybody learns something abt life. where everybody experiences th cruel twists and turns of th merciless world. where th saying, 'life is a bitch', comes alive. then again, high school is also where we experience th most fun in our lives. tht's why when we're hit by life's natural 'problems'.. we're most likely take aback. tht's why most kids in high school, rebel. they're frustrated with everything arnd them and needs to let it out. sometimes, they don't know who to trust which makes everything worse. honestly, i don't think i can trust someone so easily, now.
blah. i hate these kind of posts. will post again later when i'm high. :D
spring carnival was tiring.. but fun. LOL. :D
met up with Lizhen at Mcdonalds and had DoubleChoco. :D then took taxi to school. set up th stall, which is waaaay too small. had quite a lot of customers, actually. so much tht we ran out of prizes. picked up Eos, Maan, Danna & Danielle. they enjoyed their, 'slowest roller coaster'. qouted from Eos. =.= they kept bugging me abt _. =.= read this, mga bwishet. may ibang crush un. lovesick pa nga eh. LOL. left them to tour themselves while i helped out at th stall. a bit. senior says i'm a bit too high, hor. LOL. blah. Eos went off first then followed by th rest, to my house. i wanted to go home too. but cannot. blah. in th end, i nvr got to go to th basketball. TT.TT supposedly, released at 3 pm. reached home at 6 pm. stupid. my feet hurts like crap. i'm gonna go rest now.
i'm sorry, infinity times. ): i feel very guilty. ): please don't be angry. ):
i have no fcking idea where th song in this blogskin is coming from ! help me.
hahah. i found something to take my mind off.. stuff. these are all found in deviantart. i was bored and did some browsing. -- "yaoi is gay.. your argument is invalid." LOL. those who don't know what yaoi is, or not a fangirl of it would nvr understand. xD
"does who say tht first kisses don't matter should just go and die." hahah. i somehow kind of agree with tht but, there's always a chance tht it'll be stolen by someone disgusting or you just plain hate. xD
"why are sparkly vampires so appealing ?" i couldn't agree more. LOL. i don't think Edward is all tht handsome. =.= i don't get th fangirling of it.
"what's hotter than one sexy man is two sexy men." okay, i laughedoutloudd at this one as soon as i read it. xD
"it's really cute, round and bouncy. like a muffin." ROFL ! xDD tht's talking abt someone's butt. xDD wahaha. xDD
"i'm not short, i'm fun size." i couldn't agree more. :DD -- i'm going to continue flipping through deviantart now. xD enjoyenjoy these quotable qoutes. it made me laughoutlouddd. :DD
truth hurts.
i was shocked. genuinely shocked.
last saturday and today, i'm reminded what an ugly place th modern human world can be. a place full of traitors, liars and fake ppl. i'm reminded how gullible i can be. how naive i can be. how easily i trust ppl. social climbers, gossipers and kiss-asses pollute this world. i can still remember when i first had a taste of, 'th truth hurts like a bitch.' it's somehow like a medicine. no matter how bitter and how much you don't want it, it'll always make you feel you better. no matter how it hurts and how much you don't want to hear it, it's there to knock some sense into you. i just tasted tht bitter medicine again. i'll admit tht i may have nvr believed it last year. i would have asked her abt it. but now, i just now tht tht's th truth. i had my suspicions but didn't have th guts to find out. well, thank you for telling me. (: i really appreciate it. (:
i had something else to say. but i forgot what it was. aiya, nehmind. just wanna say tht it sucks tht psychology course need an A1 for A Maths. suck luh. this means i must study from now on leh. ZzZ. and i feel like quitting student council. i'll give it two or three more weeks. then i'll decide. har.
wah. footdrills all th way can die one. x_x
today, got 6 sec2 tht came. must clap leh. SIX ppl came. :D so anyway, Nadia and Afiq didn't come. sad. ): but we were divided into 2 seperate groups. me, ChongBoon & Eugene. then ZengJun, Rickson & Shafiq had to do campcraft theory. but really quite fun leh. LOL. somemore, i shout timing. xD i screw up a few times but can luh. :D and we learned a new drill today. (: marching is totally better than stationery drills. (: left, left, left, right, left, check, up, 2, 3, 4, 5, down, check, left, left, left, right. LOL. i got more badges, btw. :D:D:D i have five now, in total. (: but my footdrill badge still isn't here though. ): oh well. at least i have my NCDCC unit shirt now. :D it's duper nice, okay. (:
there's no more cca until th end of common tests. idk if i should be happy or sad. LOL. xD
twisted sunburn.
Neo Jun Hao twisted my sunburnt arm ! Dx i shall skin him alive tomorrow. even if he alrdy apologised. like, after putting down th phone on him 3times. squishy, you suck.. still on with th plans ? :D
i was duper pissed at NJH today. stupid squishy. and this brightened up my day. :D enjoyenjoyenjoy. :D --- - Being weird is like being normal, only better. - Boys are like lava lamps, fun to watch but not too bright. - Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried slamming a revolving door. (thisis my iPod wallpaper. :D) - Life isn't passing me by, it’s trying to run me over. - When you get caught looking at him just remember he was looking back. - It takes 42 muscles to frown, 28 to smile and only 4 to reach out and slap someone. - They say "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Well I think the guns help. If you stood there and yelled BANG, I don't think you'd kill too many people. - I believe you should live each day as if it is your last, which is why I don't have any clean laundry because, come on, who wants to wash clothes on the last day of their life? - Be insane... because well behaved girls never made history. - Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us to walk and talk, and the rest of it telling us to sit down and shut up. - One day your prince will come. Mine? Oh he took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions. - It’s always the last place you look. Of course it is why would I keep looking after I’ve found it? - Growing old is mandatory...growing up is optional... - We fall for stupid boys, we make lots of dumb mistakes, we like to act stupid, talk really fast, and laugh really loud. But we teenage girls are good at 2 things: Staying Strong, and Being Ourselves. - Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes - Life was so simple when boys had cooties! --- A black man walks into a cafe one early morning and noticed that he was the only black man there. As he sat down, he noticed a white man behind him. The white man said, "Coloured people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "When I was born I was black," "When I grew up I was black," "When I'm sick I'm black," "When I go in the sun I'm black," "When I'm cold I'm black," "When I die I'll be black." "But you sir..." "When you're born you're pink," "When you grow up you're white," "When you're sick, you're green," "When you go in the sun you turn red," "When you're cold you turn blue," "And when you die you turn purple." "And yet you have the nerve to call me coloured" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...Copy this onto your profile and help stop racism! ---
Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys dont want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree --- this made me smile. hahah. and by th time i finished retyping this, i've forgiven NJH. and th plan is ongoing. LOL. dun-dun-duuun.
my poor red nose. ):
tiring man. we only had 1day ATC, yet i'm so tired. whoosh~ basically, our day was cut into half. morning to afternoon is water activities. then afternoon to night is high elements. for water activities, we built a raft man. :D seriosuly, we built a raft. with 5 plastic poles and 4 barrels. damn cool one, i tell you. then everyone had to sit on it while in th water. i had th best seat man. i was in front, between two barrels with my legs on each side of th middle pole. like horseback riding. except i was in water ! :D:D:D after tht, we had to kayak. you know, th usual. but this one, we took with a partner. not like, one-star & expedition. solo is cool, okay ? iand i miss capsizing th kayak on my own. :D for th high elements, my group did abseiling first. tht was th first time i ever did abseiling. for previous camps, i only did zipline/flying fox, rock climbing and th rope thingies. quite cool, th abseiling. wee~ after tht was rock climbing. i reached th top, can. hahah. so shiok. then after tht, we went to th rope thingies. first off was, you go up th pole, stand on top of it and jump off while trying to grab th trapeze. you know, th circus ppl ? yeah, like tht. i had th mindset of being too short to reach it so i didn't really even try to. hahah. xD but it was damn cool jumping off. th next rope thingies was th multi rope. since i did it before, during p5 camp, i was fast. hahah. nyahahah. next up was zipline/flying fox. but then, no time for me to go alrdy. 'cause i was helping with th runway. unfair, no ? then since i was campfire leader, we had to plan for th campfire. we got out of pumping because of tht. (x planned alrdy, campfire starts. i think th campfire a bit boring leh. th campers weren't hyper enough. ZzZ. not th campfire leaders' fault, okay ? i was hyper tht time, you know. :D
i want th WS NCDCC shirt. D: i'm so going to take it on monday. i don't care, i'm gonna search for Ms.Chan. th shirt is damn cool, can. too bad, don't have th sec2 names. only sec3 and their positions. sad. ):
it's been so long since th last time i really exploded at my brother. he needs to go and die. i'm still panting from being too angry. fck him luh. i sleeping so peacefully then want to come and whine to me like a bitch. i just straight out screamed at him, "PUTANGINA MO!" and just kicked him in th face. yeah, his specs flew off. being on th top of a doubledecker bed has advantages. i don't even care anymore. so i just gave th phone 3 loud bangs on the bed. it has 3 pretty cracks across th screen now. i need to scream my voice out, damnit. i've already punched my metal bed 2 times. and th computer table, idk how many times. fck care pain. and for what ? just to sms some bloody girl, "you got do homework already ?" "which ones must we do ?" FCKING SICK, CAN ? IF HE WANTS TO GO AND ASK TH GIRL FOR STEAD THEN JUST ASK, DAMNIT ! ARGH !
from this day on, my brother shall be referred to as a whipped little bitch. he deserves it. what ? he thinks just because i listened to KuyaPoly abt being more patient and stuff, he's gonna use tht to his own advantage ? i'm so back to th beginning with him. he piss me off, i bite his arm. i pull off his hair. i pour water on him. i pull off his ears. i kick his stomach/face/dick. im gonna pinch him until blood comes out. he needs to be reminded who won every single fight we had since young. i'm gonna go back to being primal.
don't even try to reprimand me for talking abt tht bitch like this. i. will. scream. at. you. i haven't been this angry in a long time. i have been patient long enough. i gave him a bloody $20 bag, what more does he bloody want ?!
i'm not gonna use a phone now. just to let everyone know. please help me spread th message until i get a new phone.
westlife. :3
westlife songs bring so much childhood memories. :3 i remember when i memorized th whole 'My Love' song. and when me & my cousins sang along to 'Uptown Girl'. ^3^
today was fun. teehee. :3 made so much noise in canteen after school. xD i could see some of th seniors looking at us. ^3^ then me & Faith was supposed to go home but, i dragged her along to th playground. to see if th guys are really playing there. and they were. LOL. at th exercise thingies, anyway. something happened and everyone started laughing. xD ROFLMAO. almost pee'd leh. xD
ohhell. i need to study all these ? amfootah. xl
i found another use for those xtra allowancces. xD
seriously. i went into full-on shopping mode. Dx spent more than $55. O: uh-oh. my wallet lost another $50 note ! Dx oh well. no pain, no gain. x3
th guitar broke. Dx !@#$%^&*()
well. isn't this fun ?
life in school ? ugh. roller coaster ride. =.= on th bright side, i have no idea why i have a lot of extra allowance. xP which meant i could drown in Double Choco Frappe all week. Double Choco makes me happy. school makes me sad. do th math, ppl. well, i could have saved it but.. a depressed girl needs her frappe. :D
finally, it's friday. thank you, Lord. gonna go for basketball tomorrow. this is confirmed. hell. i need this after tht hell of a week.
wah. i wonder if my bill is gonna explode. i DO remember tht i have free incoming. but why do they always explode whenever i'm on th phone for.. oops. more than an hour ? xD oh well. i'll blame _. :D
farfar away.
these are times when i feel like, i should've taken up on tht Aussie migrate plan.
but, you know, i'll miss Eos, Danielle, Adiel, Maan, Danna, Ate Mae.. okay, fine, i'll miss Daboy, Ralph, Arbie, Diether, Noyx2, Tianx2. th little buggers rub off on me. and i know tht, no matter where i go, it's still high school. drama and all. so might as well be somewhere where someone can comfort me. though, no comforting has been issued.. yet.
i refuse to tell it to Maan. she was annoying me with constant rants abt _ & _.
i've alrdy sms-ed my deardear Eos for comfort. i've alrdy told her part of th reasons. she hasn't replied yet, though. you better ! i WILL hunt you down, get it ? i've alrdy got a reason to visit your new lovely home. i'm giving your dear brother(bleugh.), Daboy, his one-month-late birthday presnt. i feel guilty for not giving him a present before we left. so, yeah, i'm giving him my precious hama beads guitar. he better appreciate tht, damnit. there's a note attched for him.
on th other note: i was feeling depressed just before science. don't ask why, though. thanks for th comfort, Michelle & Lizhen. (: so i wrote this up.
My rules to being a mediator/middle-person: 1.) Being neutral does not give you permission to expose what you heard from one party to th other and vice versa. 2.) Being neutralmeans you have to know, understand and respect each patry's point of view. 3.) Being neutral clearly means you must not take sides. Do not be biased, per say. 4.) Being neutral does not grant you permission to judge each party, from what you're told. 5.) Know th situation, inside and out. 6.) As much as possible, try to keep th situation/problem between you and both parties. 7.) If you think revealing one party's distress to th other might solve th problem, weigh th pros and cons first. Revealing anything is risky. 8.) Consider what's best for th situation/problem. 9.) Remember to take note of each party's attirude, character and personality. Everything lies in them. 10.) All in all, you're not a miracle worker. If both parties do not intend to make up, never force them. Let them be.
okay, tht was mainly what i thought up. and what i tried to follow. i stand by my beliefs. i WILL be a psychologist. even if A Maths will cause brain damage.
laughoutlouddd. xD
B.jpg) so cute. i'm in love with this guy.
i'm bored. this is cute. end of story. :D
high school.
i just remembered.. high school sucks.
i know for a fact tht, high school is where everybody learns something abt life. where everybody experiences th cruel twists and turns of th merciless world. where th saying, 'life is a bitch', comes alive. then again, high school is also where we experience th most fun in our lives. tht's why when we're hit by life's natural 'problems'.. we're most likely take aback. tht's why most kids in high school, rebel. they're frustrated with everything arnd them and needs to let it out. sometimes, they don't know who to trust which makes everything worse. honestly, i don't think i can trust someone so easily, now.
blah. i hate these kind of posts. will post again later when i'm high. :D
spring carnival was tiring.. but fun. LOL. :D
met up with Lizhen at Mcdonalds and had DoubleChoco. :D then took taxi to school. set up th stall, which is waaaay too small. had quite a lot of customers, actually. so much tht we ran out of prizes. picked up Eos, Maan, Danna & Danielle. they enjoyed their, 'slowest roller coaster'. qouted from Eos. =.= they kept bugging me abt _. =.= read this, mga bwishet. may ibang crush un. lovesick pa nga eh. LOL. left them to tour themselves while i helped out at th stall. a bit. senior says i'm a bit too high, hor. LOL. blah. Eos went off first then followed by th rest, to my house. i wanted to go home too. but cannot. blah. in th end, i nvr got to go to th basketball. TT.TT supposedly, released at 3 pm. reached home at 6 pm. stupid. my feet hurts like crap. i'm gonna go rest now.
i'm sorry, infinity times. ): i feel very guilty. ): please don't be angry. ):
i have no fcking idea where th song in this blogskin is coming from ! help me.
hahah. i found something to take my mind off.. stuff. these are all found in deviantart. i was bored and did some browsing. -- "yaoi is gay.. your argument is invalid." LOL. those who don't know what yaoi is, or not a fangirl of it would nvr understand. xD
"does who say tht first kisses don't matter should just go and die." hahah. i somehow kind of agree with tht but, there's always a chance tht it'll be stolen by someone disgusting or you just plain hate. xD
"why are sparkly vampires so appealing ?" i couldn't agree more. LOL. i don't think Edward is all tht handsome. =.= i don't get th fangirling of it.
"what's hotter than one sexy man is two sexy men." okay, i laughedoutloudd at this one as soon as i read it. xD
"it's really cute, round and bouncy. like a muffin." ROFL ! xDD tht's talking abt someone's butt. xDD wahaha. xDD
"i'm not short, i'm fun size." i couldn't agree more. :DD -- i'm going to continue flipping through deviantart now. xD enjoyenjoy these quotable qoutes. it made me laughoutlouddd. :DD
truth hurts.
i was shocked. genuinely shocked.
last saturday and today, i'm reminded what an ugly place th modern human world can be. a place full of traitors, liars and fake ppl. i'm reminded how gullible i can be. how naive i can be. how easily i trust ppl. social climbers, gossipers and kiss-asses pollute this world. i can still remember when i first had a taste of, 'th truth hurts like a bitch.' it's somehow like a medicine. no matter how bitter and how much you don't want it, it'll always make you feel you better. no matter how it hurts and how much you don't want to hear it, it's there to knock some sense into you. i just tasted tht bitter medicine again. i'll admit tht i may have nvr believed it last year. i would have asked her abt it. but now, i just now tht tht's th truth. i had my suspicions but didn't have th guts to find out. well, thank you for telling me. (: i really appreciate it. (:
i had something else to say. but i forgot what it was. aiya, nehmind. just wanna say tht it sucks tht psychology course need an A1 for A Maths. suck luh. this means i must study from now on leh. ZzZ. and i feel like quitting student council. i'll give it two or three more weeks. then i'll decide. har.
By post:
black and blue.
giving up.
happy day.
By month:
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger
short and sweet is th way to go. (: (Y)
24/5. (L)
emmanuel christian school.
kranji primary school.
west spring secondary school.
Theme Song. ♥
True Colours ♥
You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness there inside you
Makes you feel so small
But I see your true colours
Shining through
I see your true colours
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours
True colours are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
Show me a smile then,
And don't be unhappy, can't remember when
I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there
And I see your true colours
Shining through
I see your true colours
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours
True colours are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
I can't remember
When I last saw you laugh
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there
And I see your true colours
Shining through
See your true colours
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours, true colours
Are beautiful like a rainbow
I see your True colours shining through
See your true colours
That’s why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours
Your true colours are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
 Adopted Trees.