yo. ellaine!mae is here. yup, it's her blog.
she likes GREEN, screwdrivers and her friends. (L)
i had a bad hair day today. ):
I WANNA CUT MY HAIR, DAMNIT ! i want it short. and layered. and with a little bit fringe. and easy to tie. I WANNA CUT IT. NOW ! but, too bad, i have to wait until i go back Php. ): tht's th way i roll. :D and, i can easily say wht kind of hairstyle i want. oh yeah. nothing beats Mindoro's David's Salon. (believe it or not, i like it there. :D) LULZZZ !!1one1! 8B (^tht there is my awesome nerd talk. xD)
i am now officially a vocaloid fan. heartheart. :D i love th songs. :3 i love th characters. :3 i love th fanarts. :3 i just love it, kay ? :D
i almost lost my phone, omg. :O if it weren't for MT, i wouldn't have looked for it. :S i need my songs during MT, damnit. so i raced up 6th storey again to check th Food Lab. lucky manzxc. T^T
let's pray for th people in Philippines. i hope typhoon Ondoy gets outta there, SOON. we don't need more victims, just for a wake up call. GO HELP, DAMNIT !
Disney songs are a definite classic. :D now, my phone is full of classics. :D
Vocaloid songs are definite golden. :D Hatsune Miku's voice is synethetically golden. :D
yes, i was tricked. LOL. i doubt you'll see this anyway but.. don't be too hard on yourself. or perhaps, you're being too humble ? hahah. someone is worth something to someone else. (: and, YOU GOT ME INTO TROUBLE LAST NIGHT. Dx and probably more trouble in school 'cause of -AHEM-. you suck, you know tht. but it was rare to talk to you like tht. :D we should do it more often. :P
you can ignore this. seriously.
i'm scared. tht i'll fall for you again. because i'd hurt too much.
i'm scared. tht i'll fall for you, for real. because i won't be able to handle it.
i'm scared. tht i'll fall for you. because i don't want to. if you read carefully, they're different people. i'm not saying i like all of them at once. seriously. read carefully if you think so.
went to jamie's house for study group from 12.30 to 5. :D only got me, jingwen and jamie tht went. whatevr. at least, tht way, i got more studying done. i actually finished th math and science homework. :D left with literature and history. i'm gonna finish it tomorrow after church mass.
my patience is permanently wearing thin. i'm getting easily irritated, day by passing day. i may be losing my remaining sense of humour. damn it. damn it to hell.
i'm gonna study until my brain explodes. and i'm gonna like it.
i feel like posting something nice today. but i ended up with tht shyt-short of a blog post. bleh.
i don't really know wht to say. i don't think i'll even be typind anything bubbly today. i feel so drained.
i've noticed. all th stuff tht need my outmost attention, all happens during exam period. i'm freaking serious. last time, also like tht. if i wasn't so stressed, i'd laugh.
i try so hard to trust all of you. but you just contradict yourselves.
apart from my own problems, it seems i need to give advice to Bear too. we seriosuly need to meet up, woman. i'll treat you to some ice cream, and THEN, i'll hit you on th head. get a grip, you. i've alrdy told you tht i know wht i'm saying. tht happened countless times to in th past 2 years. take a chill pill. i'm here. (:
i'm not used to it, i guess. so here's to, String. best of luck to your relatinship with her. make it last, this time.
i feel so.. bleh. so much tht i want to drown myself in studying. too bad, today is rest day for me. shyt you, Mental. i forgot to borrow your history txtbook. die in a hole.
i find it amusing, actually. tht i write so many little stuff on a post. so short for one paragraph. laugh man, laugh.
i wanna add more songs again. but i'm too lazy of a bum. i'll do it whenever.
yes. i DO have personal nicknames for all th ppl tht i know. nobody knows whop th other ppl are. they'll only know themselves. because I talk about/to them here. but some, i don't intend to make it obvious.
i nickname myself, Background. if you can figure out th different reasons for this nickname, i'll treat you to ice cream. i'm serious. but you have to list ALL th reasons. it has more than one.
your history is always a clue to your present.
well, this sucks. camp planning sucks to th core. it makes my brain hurt. my poorpoor brain cells. they might run out soon.
i'm tired. i'm exhausted. i'm stressed. i'm pressured. i'm confused. but my limit's my goal.
i think i like you, again. i wanna know more abt you. (:
we had F&N at IT lab again today. and guess what ? we had mass conver again. :D summary: Glen suck. :D Benjamin suck. :D Daryl suck. :D Faith rocks. :D I rock. :D ShiYun is pissed with TooooooooooooooooooT. :D
i hate racists. i hate being discriminated. it might be for joking purposes, but tht doesn't make a difference. why do you all treat it so lightly ? is it because you've been born here, and all your life so far is spent living here ? because, really. you have no idea how i feel. you weren't dragged here at a thinking age. i felt left out, always. damnit. is it because of my nationality ? do you judge me just by tht ? do you blame my fault because of tht ? do you think i don't care abt hearing these stuff ? do you think i'm not human ? you know what ? i cried. i was hurt. i tried not to cry in front of everyone. but in th end, i ended up crying in th canteen. are you gonna blame tht on my nationality too ? i hate emo posts. :/ but i can't help it. :/
i'm tired. ): -- i'm in love with this song. (L)
A Little Too Not Over You - David Archuleta
It never crossed my mind at all That's what I tell myself What we had has come and gone You're better off with someone else
It's for the best I know it is but I see you Sometimes I try to hide what I feel inside And I turn around, you're with him now I just can't figure it out
Tell me why you're so hard to forget Don't remind me, I'm not over it Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth I'm just a little too not over you, not over you
Aren't memories supposed to fade? What's wrong with my heart? Shake it off, let it go Didn't think it'd be this hard
Should be strong, movin' on but I see you Sometimes I try to hide what I feel inside And I turn around, you're with him now I just can't figure it out
Tell me why you're so hard to forget Don't remind me, I'm not over it Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth I'm just a little too not over you
Maybe I regret everything I said No way to take it all back, yeah Now I'm on my own, how I let you go I'll never understand I'll never understand!
Tell me why you're so hard to forget Don't remind me, I'm not over it Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth I'm just a little too not over you
Tell me why you're so hard to forget Don't remind me, I'm not over it Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth And I really don't know what to do I'm just a little too not over you, not over you
i've actually started studying, believe it or not. :D oh yesh, i'm very proud of myself for starting to study. :D and it's History leh-hh. :D
oh manzxc. i feel like shitzxc. inside luh, of course. but it was kinda obvious this morning. whoops. i should be used to this but, idk leh-hh. :x it's not my choice too-oo. :S i hate you. i hate this. MUST MUG-GG ! D:
screw emo post.
i'd like to cover up tht nasty post down there. :D
hm. been getting quite close with a lot of ppl nowadays. (: i'm seriously very happy abt this. (: but i guess everything comes with a price. HALT. we're not going there. besides, i'm in a sorta-kinda speaking terms with JunHao now. nope, no more guilt there. (: back to th topic at hand. i'm crazily happy with these new developments. LOL. LALALA. like, last time, i wasn't this close to them. for exampleee, FAITH WONG JIA JIA. (yeah, i went there. xD) yupyup. :3 our love for toilet bowls has brought us together. :D TEO TZE YEE. yupyup, darling. :3 i like talking to you toooo. :D and those are a lot of compliments, thankyou. (x i just enjoy doing wht i like. (: and you can call me anytime you hater comes back to your blog, th wimp. (: AND, TH GUYS. which half, you ask ? hm. i can say both but it's leaning towards Daryl & co. oh c'mon. if th previous posts weren't any indication. you are dumb man. DUMB. no offense. xD and they can get away with calling me airpork without getting socked. :D tht's major points there. xD
i think my MSN's acting loopy. T-T
wth. spam my tagboard. o_o love you guys. (L)
urgh. :/
this utterly sucks. :/
i hate this long weekend. i can't believe i'm saying this but i'd rather be in school. at least i can actually have fun there. sighs. thank God, it's not a fight between my parents though. i don't really know th full story. but it goes along th line, my uncle sorta had a hidden marriage with his girlfriend/wife. (?) and my parents found out abt it through mail or email. as i said, idk th full story. and my uncle came back today. i'm guessing he was supposed to talk to my parents. but my dad was out. so ended up with my mom and uncle talking in th dinner table. i could hear every freaking thing they were saying. so i rushed to find my earphones, plugged it in and maximised to full volume. hurt my ears manzxc. but completely worth it. :/
i should be studying, no ?
sigh. such a good long weekend wasted on studying. it's not fair. though, i practically need this. gah. i wonder if i'll survive next year. i mean, unlike most ppl, i actually HAVE to take triple science & a math. 'cause if i don't, according to my parents, i won't be able to attend university in Php. yes, after sec4, i can go straight to university. ain't tht bloody cool ? then i'm gonna be living with my cousins. by right, no parents around, whatsoever. more bloody cool. and then, there's tht laptop. oh sweetsweet laptop. how i want you as mine. gah. science and math. how i want to burn both of you do th ground.
so little ppl are online. i guess tht means most of them are studying. guess tht means i should too. :D
guilt trip.
you didn't care.
all humans have emotions. i'm sorry. i just want to go back to speaking terms. can we just forgive and forget ? we both said sorry after all.
you didn't deserve such harsh words from my blunder. i really am sorry. ):
flailing my arms about, when i'm angry or excited while saying something, is a HABIT. i know it looks stupid, but i can't really make it stop.
information overload. i can't help but to feel a bit guilty. DON'T HIT/SCOLD/KICK ME ! it's a natural thing for me, i guess, to be worried. but it's like, if you get me angry for more than 4 days, all th things you've told me would be revealed, i don't. i didn't mean it to be like tht. i was just super pissed, okay ? i feel like i've backstabbed and betrayed him. and tht i wasn't trustworthy. but at th same time, i feel glad to get it off my chest. no more lies to cover him up. my mind is so screwed up now. ):
canteen duty is screwed up today. _l_ yup, tht's a middle finger. :D there were like, TONS of latecomers so we let half of them go. but there were still a lot of latecomers, esp. sec1s. so we were stuck there until IT lesson started. IT was damn fun luh. HAHAH. conver again after we've done our work. :D today was with ShiYun, Faith, Daryl, Benjamin, Glen & JieMing. JieMing kept spamming crap until my com lag. then my whole internet shut down. twice one leh.
Glen and HongRong were being complete idiots today. maths lesson, idk wht they doing luh. basically they were just rowdy. and th fact tht Shytface was so near, made me turn my chair to their direction and do th math work, on HongRong's table. english lesson was worse luh, omg. they freaking kept playing with a piece of eraser. ... don't ask, please. free period was even crazier. but th relieve teacher screwed it up for us. D:
sigh. total conver overload right now. got like, 7 ppl inside. so i'm gonna go now. :D
alot of ppl says i shouldn;t feel guilty 'cause he also got say abt me. so i'm not gonna be. :D
woah. so much stuff on a single day.
okay, so first. i'm assuming some people might think tht, with everything going on in class, i'll be posting horrendously depressing stuff. BUT I'M NOT. HAHAH. :D YOU THOUGHT WRONG, SUCKERS. :D
F&N was hilarious today, omg. xD after I finished off th ingredients list, we were free to th coms. :D so me, Daryl, Faith & ShiYun convered altogether. woohoo. :D talked total crappp. oh. and Daryl & ShiYun kept bullying me. LOL. th reason, you don't need to know. xD Glen joined in too. so did Benjamin. omg. tht was freaking hilarious. i kept screenshooting everything as well as laughing my ass off. a grand total of 30 screenshots. a big part of th starting and th ending, not included. whoopsie. but th middle was th funniest. xD
ace was okay bah. i heard some stuff through AHEM & AHEM. this class is seriosuly damn confusing manzxc. oh. and Lizhen & Glen kept giving spoilers of th movie we were watching. so me & ShiYun kept telling them to shut up. and we kept laughing out loud everytime so everybody was like, looking at us. fun manzxc. xD
after th SC meeting, me, ShiYun, Faith & Daryl talked abt random stuff. HongRong was there at first but left to play basketball. ShuHeng came there at some time but, bleh. LOL. no offence. just tht, th four of us know a lot more abt wht we're talking abt. i catched up on th latest stuff tht i didn't know. shocker luh. :O and, of course, th issue abt Shytface.
dudes, we seriously need to give them a nickname tht i can use here. and i kind of spilled everything i know. i'm super pissed, can. and Shytface made me lie so much before. this will make up for it. and, yes, i did get brainwashed. ): it's depressing when i think abt it, omg.
you ppl are loved. (L)
.bmp) a little preview of our conver. this was just beginning. and yes, Glen was in this. he just used my com. LOL. guess which one he typed. xD
funny bone. LOL.
here's to Faith. :D 'cause if i nvr post this, idk what she'll do to me. :D
seriously, screw you. screwscrewscrew youuu, bytch. DIE IN A HOLE. yes, i am still pissed with this person. more so when i found out new stuff.
what ? so you don't care if i don't talk to you ever again but you do when it's her ? and now, it's my fault ? screw you, man. screw you. don't take this to heart, -AHEM- i know you're pissed at him also. don't worry, i understand. special thanks again to ShiYun & Faith. thanks for cheering me up and supporting me. i know both of you are mad at him too but i can't help feeling tht maybe i dragged both of you into this as well. well, i appreciate all of it. hm. idk if th guys need special thanks or not. LOL. they just keep cracking jokes abt him anyway. and are being VERY NOSY ABT THIS WHOLE THING-YYY. especially Glen, hor. LOL. but nvrmind since you guys support me, after all. i think. o_o HAHAH. :D
i still miss Darrell and Tigger. Maan suspects they've been toy-napped and hidden by Daboy. which is probably true. ARGH. but let's not jump to conclusions. LOL. i'm gonna storm their house soooon. oh wait, i can't. Vodka hates me. D:
down, up.
well, this was a shitty day. at least, during school hours.
hey shitface. let's make this clear and simple. you don't talk to me, i don't talk to you. alright ?
ugh. horrible time during school hours. i don't even want to talk abt it. basically, i just didn't want to talk. except for ShiYun & Faith. 'cause, you know, they know abt th whole 'incident'. pishtosh.
after school was better. actually, i WHOLE LOT better. i'm so glad i stayed back. even though i made Faith miss her show. sorry, Faith. :S but we had fun, right ? xD LOL. special thanks to Daryl, HongRong, Glen & ShuHeng for cheering me up. even if they didn't know i needed one. :D just talked total crappp. ranging from airpork to rollercoasters. ROFL. HAHAH. tht was a big load off my shoulder, especially when we started talking abt 'stuff'. (: so after Daryl went off, we took one whole loop. so it was, Faith, then ShuHeng, then HongRong, then Glen, then me. :D LOL. :D then after HongRong went off, me and Glen started talking abt -AHEM- and changing. then suddenly jump to talking abt last weekend's sleepover. funny luh. xD
sigh. i feel much better. really. special thanks to Faith & th guys mentioned. (:
well this sucks.
my oh-so-wonderful mood went down th drain. why, you ask ? i left Darrell and Tigger back at Eos'. i'm not kidding when i say i almost wanted to cry. i am super pissed with myself. and nobody's replying to me. except for Maan. but she just laughed at me. this is seriosuly no laughing matter. without those two, i don't even feel like completing my remainding homeworks. this fcking sucks. and to top off this wonderful mood.. JunHao kept bitching at me. fck you man, fck you. so i just signed out. _l_
sleepover. :D
i love sleepovers, don't you ? especially at Eos's. :3
during thursday night; or friday morning at 2, my mom set off an alarm, woke up, told me to go to sleep and then go back to sleep. i know, i was caught. LOL. i don't careee. :D 'cause i was supposed to wake up at 10.30. needed to eat lunch with Maan at Sembawang. after we ate lunch, hung around Maan's until arnd 4 then we went off. then Vodka licked my leg, complete with bubbles. xD but Vodka suddenly hated me. D: WAH. Dx oh well. played haunted house for a while. LOL. then went to watch A Cinderella Story. in th room, we played th one word game/three word game. with me, being th randomest; poor Eos, she was after me. xD when it became boring, we switched to th classic, Truth or Dare. Eos & Danielle did a dare; both including Daboy. LOLOLOL. :D then it became Truth or Truth because i said tht all dares was supposed to be related to Daboy. xD evil, yes. but nobody wants him to get angry so we changed it to Truth or Truth. (: after a few confessions.. *winkwink* xD everyone was sleepy, even me. though i didn't want to sleep yet. originally, we should have been sleeping in pairs; me with Eos. but it changed to me and Danielle. :3
Daboy woke me up. __ he kept calling Danielle to wake up but kept throwing pillows at me. when he threw th big, heavy pillow at me, i got up and chased him back to his room. of course, i was swaying arnd after tht. i AM sleepy after all. Adiel & Dyara went to swim while th rest of us looked after them but didn't swim. they just played foosball. yes, they had foosball in tht condo. cool, i know. after tht, went back to Eos' room to catch some shut-eye. Daboy woke me up again. __ so i chased him back again. bastard. slept again, he woke me up again. well, after tht, he didn't do it again. 'cause i didn't sleep again. LOL. i woke up and TitaMalou told me, "pumayag mama mo." then i was like, "huh ?" turned out, we were gonna watch a movie. xD i bathe last and just watched Daboy bully Ella with Dynel. really. Eos & Daboy may be th oldest among us but they act th most childish. :D we watched Aliens In The Attic. :D after th movie, we walked arnd for a bit then went back to Eos'. i left my earphones, alright ?
i want them to sleepover here next. :D but i need it to be a holiday again and we've got enough room. ):
right ?
urh. i feel like i'm starving myself. but then again, i haven't had much of an appetite lately. a quick brunch. (breakfast & lunch.) you know, since i wake up so late. and oftenly, bread for dinner. huh. this is making me feel restless. i feel like i should be happy abt this but i'm not. sigh. might as well go with th flow. shrug.
oh yes. N** still sucks. **Y agrees with me too. he's in a bad mood, doesn't give him th right to blatantly throw obscenities at me. worse still, i don't understand them. most of them, actually. so what smart-me does best, ask someone who understands. and yes, it is, in fact, obscenities. die, bytch. die in a hole. but oh well, i'm kinda used to th attitude. nothing i can do abt it. shrug.
wow. it's been so long since my last post. and it's abt me crying. shucks, tht's pathetic. anywhooo.. :D
i'm quite satisfied with myt results. like, HELL YEAH ! :D:D:D heh. :D and i finally got a new phone. (: an E63 and th phone tht T** wants. xD bwahahah. xD but this com had a total shutdown. yes, all my files are gone. Dx MY 735 SONGS ! T^T on th bright side, i get to use Limewire now. :D oh sweet, sweet Limewore. :3 oh how i love you so. x3
i had a bad hair day today. ):
I WANNA CUT MY HAIR, DAMNIT ! i want it short. and layered. and with a little bit fringe. and easy to tie. I WANNA CUT IT. NOW ! but, too bad, i have to wait until i go back Php. ): tht's th way i roll. :D and, i can easily say wht kind of hairstyle i want. oh yeah. nothing beats Mindoro's David's Salon. (believe it or not, i like it there. :D) LULZZZ !!1one1! 8B (^tht there is my awesome nerd talk. xD)
i am now officially a vocaloid fan. heartheart. :D i love th songs. :3 i love th characters. :3 i love th fanarts. :3 i just love it, kay ? :D
i almost lost my phone, omg. :O if it weren't for MT, i wouldn't have looked for it. :S i need my songs during MT, damnit. so i raced up 6th storey again to check th Food Lab. lucky manzxc. T^T
let's pray for th people in Philippines. i hope typhoon Ondoy gets outta there, SOON. we don't need more victims, just for a wake up call. GO HELP, DAMNIT !
Disney songs are a definite classic. :D now, my phone is full of classics. :D
Vocaloid songs are definite golden. :D Hatsune Miku's voice is synethetically golden. :D
yes, i was tricked. LOL. i doubt you'll see this anyway but.. don't be too hard on yourself. or perhaps, you're being too humble ? hahah. someone is worth something to someone else. (: and, YOU GOT ME INTO TROUBLE LAST NIGHT. Dx and probably more trouble in school 'cause of -AHEM-. you suck, you know tht. but it was rare to talk to you like tht. :D we should do it more often. :P
you can ignore this. seriously.
i'm scared. tht i'll fall for you again. because i'd hurt too much.
i'm scared. tht i'll fall for you, for real. because i won't be able to handle it.
i'm scared. tht i'll fall for you. because i don't want to. if you read carefully, they're different people. i'm not saying i like all of them at once. seriously. read carefully if you think so.
went to jamie's house for study group from 12.30 to 5. :D only got me, jingwen and jamie tht went. whatevr. at least, tht way, i got more studying done. i actually finished th math and science homework. :D left with literature and history. i'm gonna finish it tomorrow after church mass.
my patience is permanently wearing thin. i'm getting easily irritated, day by passing day. i may be losing my remaining sense of humour. damn it. damn it to hell.
i'm gonna study until my brain explodes. and i'm gonna like it.
i feel like posting something nice today. but i ended up with tht shyt-short of a blog post. bleh.
i don't really know wht to say. i don't think i'll even be typind anything bubbly today. i feel so drained.
i've noticed. all th stuff tht need my outmost attention, all happens during exam period. i'm freaking serious. last time, also like tht. if i wasn't so stressed, i'd laugh.
i try so hard to trust all of you. but you just contradict yourselves.
apart from my own problems, it seems i need to give advice to Bear too. we seriosuly need to meet up, woman. i'll treat you to some ice cream, and THEN, i'll hit you on th head. get a grip, you. i've alrdy told you tht i know wht i'm saying. tht happened countless times to in th past 2 years. take a chill pill. i'm here. (:
i'm not used to it, i guess. so here's to, String. best of luck to your relatinship with her. make it last, this time.
i feel so.. bleh. so much tht i want to drown myself in studying. too bad, today is rest day for me. shyt you, Mental. i forgot to borrow your history txtbook. die in a hole.
i find it amusing, actually. tht i write so many little stuff on a post. so short for one paragraph. laugh man, laugh.
i wanna add more songs again. but i'm too lazy of a bum. i'll do it whenever.
yes. i DO have personal nicknames for all th ppl tht i know. nobody knows whop th other ppl are. they'll only know themselves. because I talk about/to them here. but some, i don't intend to make it obvious.
i nickname myself, Background. if you can figure out th different reasons for this nickname, i'll treat you to ice cream. i'm serious. but you have to list ALL th reasons. it has more than one.
your history is always a clue to your present.
well, this sucks. camp planning sucks to th core. it makes my brain hurt. my poorpoor brain cells. they might run out soon.
i'm tired. i'm exhausted. i'm stressed. i'm pressured. i'm confused. but my limit's my goal.
i think i like you, again. i wanna know more abt you. (:
we had F&N at IT lab again today. and guess what ? we had mass conver again. :D summary: Glen suck. :D Benjamin suck. :D Daryl suck. :D Faith rocks. :D I rock. :D ShiYun is pissed with TooooooooooooooooooT. :D
i hate racists. i hate being discriminated. it might be for joking purposes, but tht doesn't make a difference. why do you all treat it so lightly ? is it because you've been born here, and all your life so far is spent living here ? because, really. you have no idea how i feel. you weren't dragged here at a thinking age. i felt left out, always. damnit. is it because of my nationality ? do you judge me just by tht ? do you blame my fault because of tht ? do you think i don't care abt hearing these stuff ? do you think i'm not human ? you know what ? i cried. i was hurt. i tried not to cry in front of everyone. but in th end, i ended up crying in th canteen. are you gonna blame tht on my nationality too ? i hate emo posts. :/ but i can't help it. :/
i'm tired. ): -- i'm in love with this song. (L)
A Little Too Not Over You - David Archuleta
It never crossed my mind at all That's what I tell myself What we had has come and gone You're better off with someone else
It's for the best I know it is but I see you Sometimes I try to hide what I feel inside And I turn around, you're with him now I just can't figure it out
Tell me why you're so hard to forget Don't remind me, I'm not over it Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth I'm just a little too not over you, not over you
Aren't memories supposed to fade? What's wrong with my heart? Shake it off, let it go Didn't think it'd be this hard
Should be strong, movin' on but I see you Sometimes I try to hide what I feel inside And I turn around, you're with him now I just can't figure it out
Tell me why you're so hard to forget Don't remind me, I'm not over it Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth I'm just a little too not over you
Maybe I regret everything I said No way to take it all back, yeah Now I'm on my own, how I let you go I'll never understand I'll never understand!
Tell me why you're so hard to forget Don't remind me, I'm not over it Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth I'm just a little too not over you
Tell me why you're so hard to forget Don't remind me, I'm not over it Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth And I really don't know what to do I'm just a little too not over you, not over you
i've actually started studying, believe it or not. :D oh yesh, i'm very proud of myself for starting to study. :D and it's History leh-hh. :D
oh manzxc. i feel like shitzxc. inside luh, of course. but it was kinda obvious this morning. whoops. i should be used to this but, idk leh-hh. :x it's not my choice too-oo. :S i hate you. i hate this. MUST MUG-GG ! D:
screw emo post.
i'd like to cover up tht nasty post down there. :D
hm. been getting quite close with a lot of ppl nowadays. (: i'm seriously very happy abt this. (: but i guess everything comes with a price. HALT. we're not going there. besides, i'm in a sorta-kinda speaking terms with JunHao now. nope, no more guilt there. (: back to th topic at hand. i'm crazily happy with these new developments. LOL. LALALA. like, last time, i wasn't this close to them. for exampleee, FAITH WONG JIA JIA. (yeah, i went there. xD) yupyup. :3 our love for toilet bowls has brought us together. :D TEO TZE YEE. yupyup, darling. :3 i like talking to you toooo. :D and those are a lot of compliments, thankyou. (x i just enjoy doing wht i like. (: and you can call me anytime you hater comes back to your blog, th wimp. (: AND, TH GUYS. which half, you ask ? hm. i can say both but it's leaning towards Daryl & co. oh c'mon. if th previous posts weren't any indication. you are dumb man. DUMB. no offense. xD and they can get away with calling me airpork without getting socked. :D tht's major points there. xD
i think my MSN's acting loopy. T-T
wth. spam my tagboard. o_o love you guys. (L)
urgh. :/
this utterly sucks. :/
i hate this long weekend. i can't believe i'm saying this but i'd rather be in school. at least i can actually have fun there. sighs. thank God, it's not a fight between my parents though. i don't really know th full story. but it goes along th line, my uncle sorta had a hidden marriage with his girlfriend/wife. (?) and my parents found out abt it through mail or email. as i said, idk th full story. and my uncle came back today. i'm guessing he was supposed to talk to my parents. but my dad was out. so ended up with my mom and uncle talking in th dinner table. i could hear every freaking thing they were saying. so i rushed to find my earphones, plugged it in and maximised to full volume. hurt my ears manzxc. but completely worth it. :/
i should be studying, no ?
sigh. such a good long weekend wasted on studying. it's not fair. though, i practically need this. gah. i wonder if i'll survive next year. i mean, unlike most ppl, i actually HAVE to take triple science & a math. 'cause if i don't, according to my parents, i won't be able to attend university in Php. yes, after sec4, i can go straight to university. ain't tht bloody cool ? then i'm gonna be living with my cousins. by right, no parents around, whatsoever. more bloody cool. and then, there's tht laptop. oh sweetsweet laptop. how i want you as mine. gah. science and math. how i want to burn both of you do th ground.
so little ppl are online. i guess tht means most of them are studying. guess tht means i should too. :D
guilt trip.
you didn't care.
all humans have emotions. i'm sorry. i just want to go back to speaking terms. can we just forgive and forget ? we both said sorry after all.
you didn't deserve such harsh words from my blunder. i really am sorry. ):
flailing my arms about, when i'm angry or excited while saying something, is a HABIT. i know it looks stupid, but i can't really make it stop.
information overload. i can't help but to feel a bit guilty. DON'T HIT/SCOLD/KICK ME ! it's a natural thing for me, i guess, to be worried. but it's like, if you get me angry for more than 4 days, all th things you've told me would be revealed, i don't. i didn't mean it to be like tht. i was just super pissed, okay ? i feel like i've backstabbed and betrayed him. and tht i wasn't trustworthy. but at th same time, i feel glad to get it off my chest. no more lies to cover him up. my mind is so screwed up now. ):
canteen duty is screwed up today. _l_ yup, tht's a middle finger. :D there were like, TONS of latecomers so we let half of them go. but there were still a lot of latecomers, esp. sec1s. so we were stuck there until IT lesson started. IT was damn fun luh. HAHAH. conver again after we've done our work. :D today was with ShiYun, Faith, Daryl, Benjamin, Glen & JieMing. JieMing kept spamming crap until my com lag. then my whole internet shut down. twice one leh.
Glen and HongRong were being complete idiots today. maths lesson, idk wht they doing luh. basically they were just rowdy. and th fact tht Shytface was so near, made me turn my chair to their direction and do th math work, on HongRong's table. english lesson was worse luh, omg. they freaking kept playing with a piece of eraser. ... don't ask, please. free period was even crazier. but th relieve teacher screwed it up for us. D:
sigh. total conver overload right now. got like, 7 ppl inside. so i'm gonna go now. :D
alot of ppl says i shouldn;t feel guilty 'cause he also got say abt me. so i'm not gonna be. :D
woah. so much stuff on a single day.
okay, so first. i'm assuming some people might think tht, with everything going on in class, i'll be posting horrendously depressing stuff. BUT I'M NOT. HAHAH. :D YOU THOUGHT WRONG, SUCKERS. :D
F&N was hilarious today, omg. xD after I finished off th ingredients list, we were free to th coms. :D so me, Daryl, Faith & ShiYun convered altogether. woohoo. :D talked total crappp. oh. and Daryl & ShiYun kept bullying me. LOL. th reason, you don't need to know. xD Glen joined in too. so did Benjamin. omg. tht was freaking hilarious. i kept screenshooting everything as well as laughing my ass off. a grand total of 30 screenshots. a big part of th starting and th ending, not included. whoopsie. but th middle was th funniest. xD
ace was okay bah. i heard some stuff through AHEM & AHEM. this class is seriosuly damn confusing manzxc. oh. and Lizhen & Glen kept giving spoilers of th movie we were watching. so me & ShiYun kept telling them to shut up. and we kept laughing out loud everytime so everybody was like, looking at us. fun manzxc. xD
after th SC meeting, me, ShiYun, Faith & Daryl talked abt random stuff. HongRong was there at first but left to play basketball. ShuHeng came there at some time but, bleh. LOL. no offence. just tht, th four of us know a lot more abt wht we're talking abt. i catched up on th latest stuff tht i didn't know. shocker luh. :O and, of course, th issue abt Shytface.
dudes, we seriously need to give them a nickname tht i can use here. and i kind of spilled everything i know. i'm super pissed, can. and Shytface made me lie so much before. this will make up for it. and, yes, i did get brainwashed. ): it's depressing when i think abt it, omg.
you ppl are loved. (L)
.bmp) a little preview of our conver. this was just beginning. and yes, Glen was in this. he just used my com. LOL. guess which one he typed. xD
funny bone. LOL.
here's to Faith. :D 'cause if i nvr post this, idk what she'll do to me. :D
seriously, screw you. screwscrewscrew youuu, bytch. DIE IN A HOLE. yes, i am still pissed with this person. more so when i found out new stuff.
what ? so you don't care if i don't talk to you ever again but you do when it's her ? and now, it's my fault ? screw you, man. screw you. don't take this to heart, -AHEM- i know you're pissed at him also. don't worry, i understand. special thanks again to ShiYun & Faith. thanks for cheering me up and supporting me. i know both of you are mad at him too but i can't help feeling tht maybe i dragged both of you into this as well. well, i appreciate all of it. hm. idk if th guys need special thanks or not. LOL. they just keep cracking jokes abt him anyway. and are being VERY NOSY ABT THIS WHOLE THING-YYY. especially Glen, hor. LOL. but nvrmind since you guys support me, after all. i think. o_o HAHAH. :D
i still miss Darrell and Tigger. Maan suspects they've been toy-napped and hidden by Daboy. which is probably true. ARGH. but let's not jump to conclusions. LOL. i'm gonna storm their house soooon. oh wait, i can't. Vodka hates me. D:
down, up.
well, this was a shitty day. at least, during school hours.
hey shitface. let's make this clear and simple. you don't talk to me, i don't talk to you. alright ?
ugh. horrible time during school hours. i don't even want to talk abt it. basically, i just didn't want to talk. except for ShiYun & Faith. 'cause, you know, they know abt th whole 'incident'. pishtosh.
after school was better. actually, i WHOLE LOT better. i'm so glad i stayed back. even though i made Faith miss her show. sorry, Faith. :S but we had fun, right ? xD LOL. special thanks to Daryl, HongRong, Glen & ShuHeng for cheering me up. even if they didn't know i needed one. :D just talked total crappp. ranging from airpork to rollercoasters. ROFL. HAHAH. tht was a big load off my shoulder, especially when we started talking abt 'stuff'. (: so after Daryl went off, we took one whole loop. so it was, Faith, then ShuHeng, then HongRong, then Glen, then me. :D LOL. :D then after HongRong went off, me and Glen started talking abt -AHEM- and changing. then suddenly jump to talking abt last weekend's sleepover. funny luh. xD
sigh. i feel much better. really. special thanks to Faith & th guys mentioned. (:
well this sucks.
my oh-so-wonderful mood went down th drain. why, you ask ? i left Darrell and Tigger back at Eos'. i'm not kidding when i say i almost wanted to cry. i am super pissed with myself. and nobody's replying to me. except for Maan. but she just laughed at me. this is seriosuly no laughing matter. without those two, i don't even feel like completing my remainding homeworks. this fcking sucks. and to top off this wonderful mood.. JunHao kept bitching at me. fck you man, fck you. so i just signed out. _l_
sleepover. :D
i love sleepovers, don't you ? especially at Eos's. :3
during thursday night; or friday morning at 2, my mom set off an alarm, woke up, told me to go to sleep and then go back to sleep. i know, i was caught. LOL. i don't careee. :D 'cause i was supposed to wake up at 10.30. needed to eat lunch with Maan at Sembawang. after we ate lunch, hung around Maan's until arnd 4 then we went off. then Vodka licked my leg, complete with bubbles. xD but Vodka suddenly hated me. D: WAH. Dx oh well. played haunted house for a while. LOL. then went to watch A Cinderella Story. in th room, we played th one word game/three word game. with me, being th randomest; poor Eos, she was after me. xD when it became boring, we switched to th classic, Truth or Dare. Eos & Danielle did a dare; both including Daboy. LOLOLOL. :D then it became Truth or Truth because i said tht all dares was supposed to be related to Daboy. xD evil, yes. but nobody wants him to get angry so we changed it to Truth or Truth. (: after a few confessions.. *winkwink* xD everyone was sleepy, even me. though i didn't want to sleep yet. originally, we should have been sleeping in pairs; me with Eos. but it changed to me and Danielle. :3
Daboy woke me up. __ he kept calling Danielle to wake up but kept throwing pillows at me. when he threw th big, heavy pillow at me, i got up and chased him back to his room. of course, i was swaying arnd after tht. i AM sleepy after all. Adiel & Dyara went to swim while th rest of us looked after them but didn't swim. they just played foosball. yes, they had foosball in tht condo. cool, i know. after tht, went back to Eos' room to catch some shut-eye. Daboy woke me up again. __ so i chased him back again. bastard. slept again, he woke me up again. well, after tht, he didn't do it again. 'cause i didn't sleep again. LOL. i woke up and TitaMalou told me, "pumayag mama mo." then i was like, "huh ?" turned out, we were gonna watch a movie. xD i bathe last and just watched Daboy bully Ella with Dynel. really. Eos & Daboy may be th oldest among us but they act th most childish. :D we watched Aliens In The Attic. :D after th movie, we walked arnd for a bit then went back to Eos'. i left my earphones, alright ?
i want them to sleepover here next. :D but i need it to be a holiday again and we've got enough room. ):
right ?
urh. i feel like i'm starving myself. but then again, i haven't had much of an appetite lately. a quick brunch. (breakfast & lunch.) you know, since i wake up so late. and oftenly, bread for dinner. huh. this is making me feel restless. i feel like i should be happy abt this but i'm not. sigh. might as well go with th flow. shrug.
oh yes. N** still sucks. **Y agrees with me too. he's in a bad mood, doesn't give him th right to blatantly throw obscenities at me. worse still, i don't understand them. most of them, actually. so what smart-me does best, ask someone who understands. and yes, it is, in fact, obscenities. die, bytch. die in a hole. but oh well, i'm kinda used to th attitude. nothing i can do abt it. shrug.
wow. it's been so long since my last post. and it's abt me crying. shucks, tht's pathetic. anywhooo.. :D
i'm quite satisfied with myt results. like, HELL YEAH ! :D:D:D heh. :D and i finally got a new phone. (: an E63 and th phone tht T** wants. xD bwahahah. xD but this com had a total shutdown. yes, all my files are gone. Dx MY 735 SONGS ! T^T on th bright side, i get to use Limewire now. :D oh sweet, sweet Limewore. :3 oh how i love you so. x3
By post:
black and blue.
giving up.
happy day.
By month:
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger
short and sweet is th way to go. (: (Y)
24/5. (L)
emmanuel christian school.
kranji primary school.
west spring secondary school.
Theme Song. ♥
True Colours ♥
You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness there inside you
Makes you feel so small
But I see your true colours
Shining through
I see your true colours
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours
True colours are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
Show me a smile then,
And don't be unhappy, can't remember when
I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there
And I see your true colours
Shining through
I see your true colours
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours
True colours are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
I can't remember
When I last saw you laugh
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there
And I see your true colours
Shining through
See your true colours
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours, true colours
Are beautiful like a rainbow
I see your True colours shining through
See your true colours
That’s why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours
Your true colours are beautiful,
Like a rainbow
 Adopted Trees.