
yo. ellaine!mae is here. yup, it's her blog. she likes GREEN, screwdrivers and her friends. (L)



Is this the definition of being happy?

Things are seemingly back to normal. More or less. JunHao's being an ass again, treating me like a guy through the phone. You man-boob.

Apart from that, Bryan and ShiYun's emo-ness is really infectious. More so, because they aren't talking to me about it. I'm not going to force them or anything. I want them to tell me because they trust me. In a stranger's eyes, they all seem like happy people, content with their lives. But to me, they're teenagers that seek my comfort yet all I can say is, "Cheer up". I'm starting to hate myself for repeatedly saying those two words. It's as if it becomes more and more meaningless with every time that I say it to someone. I know those words can't help. I know I want to do more than just sms or tell you that. Let me help. I want to. I want you people to be happy even outside school. I know it's not my place to talk when I can't do the same but that doesn't mean you guys can't. Don't give me an excuse like, "Do it first then I'll do the same" because you guys won't. In fact, I won't either. But I still want you guys to be happy.

You know what? I've made up my mind. I want to be happy, from now on. I just need people to help me with it. I'm gonna be genuinely happy even at home. I'm not gonna let stress pull me down. I'm gonna let my friends pull me up. I'm gonna be as happy as my picture.

To a stranger, you're always happy. To me, I want you to be happy.

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